The Whole is Greater than the Sum of its Parts.

The Hudson Players Club is a community theatre company presenting work in the beautiful town of Hudson, Quebec. Our mandate is simple: foster an appreciation of theatre in our community, and develop the capacity to engage fully in the theatre experience.

We do this by:

  • Producing fabulous mainstage productions
  • Delivering workshops and readings to inspire our members and the public
  • Engaging our youth with performances and other opportunities
  • Presenting events and social engagements to create community and share our creative spirit

HPC, as we call ourselves when we’re feeling abbreived, is in the process of obtaining status as a non-profit and charitable organization. Our work is important to the people of Hudson and the surrounding area, and we look forward to the benefits and growth this new initiative will offer.

Our audience comes from all across the Montreal and West Island area of Quebec and as far away as Ottawa and eastern Ontario.

If you want to be a part of the Club, simply click on over to our Membership section and get involved.  We are only as strong as our members.

HPC is so proud to be the longest-running, community theatre company in the province of Quebec.

We are a proud member of the Quebec Drama Federation.

Our Proud History

65 years is an awfully long time!

There is just so much history to share with you, that it will take us a little time to get it all up on the web.  In the meantime, keep an eye out here, and please take note of the slideshow on your right.  These are just some of the incredible archive of images that have been taken by our members.

Our special thanks to David Clayton, one of our founding members, who shared this story about how some of these images came to be… just a small taste of our past and the dedication of our members!

As we are a local community based organization and function mainly by our wonderful volunteers, supporters and donations, we thank you in advance for becoming part of our organization and supporting us in any way you can.

As they say, “It takes a Village.”